Magick++  6.9.3
Magick::Image Class Reference

#include <Image.h>


struct  _ImageChannelStatistics
struct  _ImageStatistics

Public Types

typedef struct Magick::Image::_ImageChannelStatistics ImageChannelStatistics
typedef struct Magick::Image::_ImageStatistics ImageStatistics

Public Member Functions

 Image (void)
 Image (const Blob &blob_)
 Image (const Blob &blob_, const Geometry &size_)
 Image (const Blob &blob_, const Geometry &size_, const size_t depth_)
 Image (const Blob &blob_, const Geometry &size_, const size_t depth_, const std::string &magick_)
 Image (const Blob &blob_, const Geometry &size_, const std::string &magick_)
 Image (const Geometry &size_, const Color &color_)
 Image (const Image &image_)
 Image (const Image &image_, const Geometry &geometry_)
 Image (const size_t width_, const size_t height_, const std::string &map_, const StorageType type_, const void *pixels_)
 Image (const std::string &imageSpec_)
virtual ~Image ()
Imageoperator= (const Image &image_)
void adjoin (const bool flag_)
bool adjoin (void) const
void antiAlias (const bool flag_)
bool antiAlias (void) const
void animationDelay (const size_t delay_)
size_t animationDelay (void) const
void animationIterations (const size_t iterations_)
size_t animationIterations (void) const
void attenuate (const double attenuate_)
void backgroundColor (const Color &color_)
Color backgroundColor (void) const
void backgroundTexture (const std::string &backgroundTexture_)
std::string backgroundTexture (void) const
size_t baseColumns (void) const
std::string baseFilename (void) const
size_t baseRows (void) const
void blackPointCompensation (const bool flag_)
bool blackPointCompensation (void) const
void borderColor (const Color &color_)
Color borderColor (void) const
Geometry boundingBox (void) const
void boxColor (const Color &boxColor_)
Color boxColor (void) const
void classType (const ClassType class_)
ClassType classType (void) const
void clipMask (const Image &clipMask_)
Image clipMask (void) const
void colorFuzz (const double fuzz_)
double colorFuzz (void) const
void colorMapSize (const size_t entries_)
size_t colorMapSize (void) const
void colorSpace (const ColorspaceType colorSpace_)
ColorspaceType colorSpace (void) const
void colorspaceType (const ColorspaceType colorSpace_)
ColorspaceType colorspaceType (void) const
size_t columns (void) const
void comment (const std::string &comment_)
std::string comment (void) const
void compose (const CompositeOperator compose_)
CompositeOperator compose (void) const
void compressType (const CompressionType compressType_)
CompressionType compressType (void) const
void debug (const bool flag_)
bool debug (void) const
void density (const Geometry &geomery_)
Geometry density (void) const
void depth (const size_t depth_)
size_t depth (void) const
std::string directory (void) const
void endian (const EndianType endian_)
EndianType endian (void) const
void exifProfile (const Blob &exifProfile_)
Blob exifProfile (void) const
void fileName (const std::string &fileName_)
std::string fileName (void) const
off_t fileSize (void) const
void fillColor (const Color &fillColor_)
Color fillColor (void) const
void fillRule (const FillRule &fillRule_)
FillRule fillRule (void) const
void fillPattern (const Image &fillPattern_)
Image fillPattern (void) const
void filterType (const FilterTypes filterType_)
FilterTypes filterType (void) const
void font (const std::string &font_)
std::string font (void) const
void fontFamily (const std::string &family_)
std::string fontFamily (void) const
void fontPointsize (const double pointSize_)
double fontPointsize (void) const
void fontStyle (const StyleType style_)
StyleType fontStyle (void) const
void fontWeight (const size_t weight_)
size_t fontWeight (void) const
std::string format (void) const
std::string formatExpression (const std::string expression)
double gamma (void) const
Geometry geometry (void) const
void gifDisposeMethod (const size_t disposeMethod_)
size_t gifDisposeMethod (void) const
void highlightColor (const Color color_)
void iccColorProfile (const Blob &colorProfile_)
Blob iccColorProfile (void) const
void interlaceType (const InterlaceType interlace_)
InterlaceType interlaceType (void) const
void interpolate (const InterpolatePixelMethod interpolate_)
InterpolatePixelMethod interpolate (void) const
void iptcProfile (const Blob &iptcProfile_)
Blob iptcProfile (void) const
bool isOpaque (void) const
void isValid (const bool isValid_)
bool isValid (void) const
void label (const std::string &label_)
std::string label (void) const
void lineWidth (const double lineWidth_)
double lineWidth (void) const
void lowlightColor (const Color color_)
void magick (const std::string &magick_)
std::string magick (void) const
void mask (const Image &mask_)
Image mask (void) const
void matte (const bool matteFlag_)
bool matte (void) const
void matteColor (const Color &matteColor_)
Color matteColor (void) const
double meanErrorPerPixel (void) const
void modulusDepth (const size_t modulusDepth_)
size_t modulusDepth (void) const
void monochrome (const bool monochromeFlag_)
bool monochrome (void) const
Geometry montageGeometry (void) const
double normalizedMaxError (void) const
double normalizedMeanError (void) const
void orientation (const OrientationType orientation_)
OrientationType orientation (void) const
void page (const Geometry &pageSize_)
Geometry page (void) const
void penColor (const Color &penColor_)
Color penColor (void) const
void penTexture (const Image &penTexture_)
Image penTexture (void) const
void quality (const size_t quality_)
size_t quality (void) const
void quantizeColors (const size_t colors_)
size_t quantizeColors (void) const
void quantizeColorSpace (const ColorspaceType colorSpace_)
ColorspaceType quantizeColorSpace (void) const
void quantizeDither (const bool ditherFlag_)
bool quantizeDither (void) const
void quantizeDitherMethod (const DitherMethod ditherMethod_)
DitherMethod quantizeDitherMethod (void) const
void quantizeTreeDepth (const size_t treeDepth_)
size_t quantizeTreeDepth (void) const
void quiet (const bool quiet_)
bool quiet (void) const
void renderingIntent (const RenderingIntent renderingIntent_)
RenderingIntent renderingIntent (void) const
void resolutionUnits (const ResolutionType resolutionUnits_)
ResolutionType resolutionUnits (void) const
size_t rows (void) const
void scene (const size_t scene_)
size_t scene (void) const
void size (const Geometry &geometry_)
Geometry size (void) const
void strokeAntiAlias (const bool flag_)
bool strokeAntiAlias (void) const
void strokeColor (const Color &strokeColor_)
Color strokeColor (void) const
void strokeDashArray (const double *strokeDashArray_)
const double * strokeDashArray (void) const
void strokeDashOffset (const double strokeDashOffset_)
double strokeDashOffset (void) const
void strokeLineCap (const LineCap lineCap_)
LineCap strokeLineCap (void) const
void strokeLineJoin (const LineJoin lineJoin_)
LineJoin strokeLineJoin (void) const
void strokeMiterLimit (const size_t miterLimit_)
size_t strokeMiterLimit (void) const
void strokePattern (const Image &strokePattern_)
Image strokePattern (void) const
void strokeWidth (const double strokeWidth_)
double strokeWidth (void) const
void subImage (const size_t subImage_)
size_t subImage (void) const
void subRange (const size_t subRange_)
size_t subRange (void) const
void textDirection (DirectionType direction_)
DirectionType textDirection () const
void textEncoding (const std::string &encoding_)
std::string textEncoding (void) const
void textGravity (GravityType gravity_)
GravityType textGravity () const
void textInterlineSpacing (double spacing_)
double textInterlineSpacing (void) const
void textInterwordSpacing (double spacing_)
double textInterwordSpacing (void) const
void textKerning (double kerning_)
double textKerning (void) const
void textUnderColor (const Color &underColor_)
Color textUnderColor (void) const
void tileName (const std::string &tileName_)
std::string tileName (void) const
size_t totalColors (void) const
void transformRotation (const double angle_)
void transformSkewX (const double skewx_)
void transformSkewY (const double skewy_)
void type (const ImageType type_)
ImageType type (void) const
void verbose (const bool verboseFlag_)
bool verbose (void) const
void view (const std::string &view_)
std::string view (void) const
void virtualPixelMethod (const VirtualPixelMethod virtual_pixel_method_)
VirtualPixelMethod virtualPixelMethod (void) const
void x11Display (const std::string &display_)
std::string x11Display (void) const
double xResolution (void) const
double yResolution (void) const
void adaptiveBlur (const double radius_=0.0, const double sigma_=1.0)
void adaptiveResize (const Geometry &geometry_)
void adaptiveSharpen (const double radius_=0.0, const double sigma_=1.0)
void adaptiveSharpenChannel (const ChannelType channel_, const double radius_=0.0, const double sigma_=1.0)
void adaptiveThreshold (const size_t width, const size_t height, const ::ssize_t offset=0)
void addNoise (const NoiseType noiseType_)
void addNoiseChannel (const ChannelType channel_, const NoiseType noiseType_)
void affineTransform (const DrawableAffine &affine)
void alphaChannel (AlphaChannelType alphaType_)
void annotate (const std::string &text_, const Geometry &location_)
void annotate (const std::string &text_, const Geometry &boundingArea_, const GravityType gravity_)
void annotate (const std::string &text_, const Geometry &boundingArea_, const GravityType gravity_, const double degrees_)
void annotate (const std::string &text_, const GravityType gravity_)
void artifact (const std::string &name_, const std::string &value_)
std::string artifact (const std::string &name_) const
void attribute (const std::string name_, const std::string value_)
std::string attribute (const std::string name_) const
void autoGamma (void)
void autoGammaChannel (const ChannelType channel_)
void autoLevel (void)
void autoLevelChannel (const ChannelType channel_)
void autoOrient (void)
void blackThreshold (const std::string &threshold_)
void blackThresholdChannel (const ChannelType channel_, const std::string &threshold_)
void blueShift (const double factor_=1.5)
void blur (const double radius_=0.0, const double sigma_=1.0)
void blurChannel (const ChannelType channel_, const double radius_=0.0, const double sigma_=1.0)
void border (const Geometry &geometry_=borderGeometryDefault)
void brightnessContrast (const double brightness_=0.0, const double contrast_=0.0)
void brightnessContrastChannel (const ChannelType channel_, const double brightness_=0.0, const double contrast_=0.0)
void cannyEdge (const double radius_=0.0, const double sigma_=1.0, const double lowerPercent_=0.1, const double upperPercent_=0.3)
void cdl (const std::string &cdl_)
void channel (const ChannelType channel_)
void channelDepth (const ChannelType channel_, const size_t depth_)
size_t channelDepth (const ChannelType channel_)
void charcoal (const double radius_=0.0, const double sigma_=1.0)
void chop (const Geometry &geometry_)
void chromaBluePrimary (const double x_, const double y_)
void chromaBluePrimary (double *x_, double *y_) const
void chromaGreenPrimary (const double x_, const double y_)
void chromaGreenPrimary (double *x_, double *y_) const
void chromaRedPrimary (const double x_, const double y_)
void chromaRedPrimary (double *x_, double *y_) const
void chromaWhitePoint (const double x_, const double y_)
void chromaWhitePoint (double *x_, double *y_) const
void clamp (void)
void clampChannel (const ChannelType channel_)
void clip (void)
void clipPath (const std::string pathname_, const bool inside_)
void clut (const Image &clutImage_)
void clutChannel (const ChannelType channel_, const Image &clutImage_)
void colorize (const unsigned int opacity_, const Color &penColor_)
void colorize (const unsigned int opacityRed_, const unsigned int opacityGreen_, const unsigned int opacityBlue_, const Color &penColor_)
void colorMap (const size_t index_, const Color &color_)
Color colorMap (const size_t index_) const
void colorMatrix (const size_t order_, const double *color_matrix_)
bool compare (const Image &reference_)
double compare (const Image &reference_, const MetricType metric_)
double compareChannel (const ChannelType channel_, const Image &reference_, const MetricType metric_)
Image compare (const Image &reference_, const MetricType metric_, double *distortion)
Image compareChannel (const ChannelType channel_, const Image &reference_, const MetricType metric_, double *distortion)
void composite (const Image &compositeImage_, const Geometry &offset_, const CompositeOperator compose_=InCompositeOp)
void composite (const Image &compositeImage_, const GravityType gravity_, const CompositeOperator compose_=InCompositeOp)
void composite (const Image &compositeImage_, const ::ssize_t xOffset_, const ::ssize_t yOffset_, const CompositeOperator compose_=InCompositeOp)
void connectedComponents (const size_t connectivity_)
void contrast (const size_t sharpen_)
void contrastStretch (const double black_point_, const double white_point_)
void contrastStretchChannel (const ChannelType channel_, const double black_point_, const double white_point_)
void convolve (const size_t order_, const double *kernel_)
void copyPixels (const Image &source_, const Geometry &geometry_, const Offset &offset_)
void crop (const Geometry &geometry_)
void cycleColormap (const ::ssize_t amount_)
void decipher (const std::string &passphrase_)
void defineSet (const std::string &magick_, const std::string &key_, bool flag_)
bool defineSet (const std::string &magick_, const std::string &key_) const
void defineValue (const std::string &magick_, const std::string &key_, const std::string &value_)
std::string defineValue (const std::string &magick_, const std::string &key_) const
void deskew (const double threshold_)
void despeckle (void)
ImageType determineType (void) const
void display (void)
void distort (const DistortImageMethod method_, const size_t number_arguments_, const double *arguments_, const bool bestfit_=false)
void draw (const Drawable &drawable_)
void draw (const std::list< Magick::Drawable > &drawable_)
void edge (const double radius_=0.0)
void emboss (const double radius_=0.0, const double sigma_=1.0)
void encipher (const std::string &passphrase_)
void enhance (void)
void equalize (void)
void erase (void)
void extent (const Geometry &geometry_)
void extent (const Geometry &geometry_, const Color &backgroundColor)
void extent (const Geometry &geometry_, const Color &backgroundColor, const GravityType gravity_)
void extent (const Geometry &geometry_, const GravityType gravity_)
void flip (void)
void floodFillColor (const Geometry &point_, const Color &fillColor_)
void floodFillColor (const Geometry &point_, const Color &fillColor_, const bool invert_)
void floodFillColor (const ::ssize_t x_, const ::ssize_t y_, const Color &fillColor_)
void floodFillColor (const ::ssize_t x_, const ::ssize_t y_, const Color &fillColor_, const bool invert_)
void floodFillColor (const Geometry &point_, const Color &fillColor_, const Color &borderColor_)
void floodFillColor (const Geometry &point_, const Color &fillColor_, const Color &borderColor_, const bool invert_)
void floodFillColor (const ::ssize_t x_, const ::ssize_t y_, const Color &fillColor_, const Color &borderColor_)
void floodFillColor (const ::ssize_t x_, const ::ssize_t y_, const Color &fillColor_, const Color &borderColor_, const bool invert_)
void floodFillOpacity (const ::ssize_t x_, const ::ssize_t y_, const unsigned int opacity_, const bool invert_=false)
void floodFillOpacity (const ::ssize_t x_, const ::ssize_t y_, const unsigned int opacity_, const PaintMethod method_)
void floodFillOpacity (const ::ssize_t x_, const ::ssize_t y_, const unsigned int opacity_, const Color &target_, const bool invert_=false)
void floodFillTexture (const Geometry &point_, const Image &texture_)
void floodFillTexture (const Geometry &point_, const Image &texture_, const bool invert_)
void floodFillTexture (const ::ssize_t x_, const ::ssize_t y_, const Image &texture_)
void floodFillTexture (const ::ssize_t x_, const ::ssize_t y_, const Image &texture_, const bool invert_)
void floodFillTexture (const Geometry &point_, const Image &texture_, const Color &borderColor_)
void floodFillTexture (const Geometry &point_, const Image &texture_, const Color &borderColor_, const bool invert_)
void floodFillTexture (const ::ssize_t x_, const ::ssize_t y_, const Image &texture_, const Color &borderColor_)
void floodFillTexture (const ::ssize_t x_, const ::ssize_t y_, const Image &texture_, const Color &borderColor_, const bool invert_)
void flop (void)
void fontTypeMetrics (const std::string &text_, TypeMetric *metrics)
void fontTypeMetricsMultiline (const std::string &text_, TypeMetric *metrics)
void frame (const Geometry &geometry_=frameGeometryDefault)
void frame (const size_t width_, const size_t height_, const ::ssize_t innerBevel_=6, const ::ssize_t outerBevel_=6)
void fx (const std::string expression)
void fx (const std::string expression, const Magick::ChannelType channel)
void gamma (const double gamma_)
void gamma (const double gammaRed_, const double gammaGreen_, const double gammaBlue_)
void gaussianBlur (const double width_, const double sigma_)
void gaussianBlurChannel (const ChannelType channel_, const double width_, const double sigma_)
const IndexPacket * getConstIndexes (void) const
const PixelPacket * getConstPixels (const ::ssize_t x_, const ::ssize_t y_, const size_t columns_, const size_t rows_) const
IndexPacket * getIndexes (void)
PixelPacket * getPixels (const ::ssize_t x_, const ::ssize_t y_, const size_t columns_, const size_t rows_)
void grayscale (const PixelIntensityMethod method_)
void haldClut (const Image &clutImage_)
void houghLine (const size_t width_, const size_t height_, const size_t threshold_=40)
void implode (const double factor_)
void inverseFourierTransform (const Image &phase_)
void inverseFourierTransform (const Image &phase_, const bool magnitude_)
void kuwahara (const double radius_=0.0, const double sigma_=1.0)
void kuwaharaChannel (const ChannelType channel_, const double radius_=0.0, const double sigma_=1.0)
void level (const double black_point, const double white_point, const double mid_point=1.0)
void levelChannel (const ChannelType channel, const double black_point, const double white_point, const double mid_point=1.0)
void levelColors (const Color &blackColor_, const Color &whiteColor_, const bool invert_=true)
void levelColorsChannel (const ChannelType channel_, const Color &blackColor_, const Color &whiteColor_, const bool invert_=true)
void levelize (const double blackPoint_, const double whitePoint_, const double gamma_=1.0)
void levelizeChannel (const ChannelType channel_, const double blackPoint_, const double whitePoint_, const double gamma_=1.0)
void linearStretch (const double blackPoint_, const double whitePoint_)
void liquidRescale (const Geometry &geometry_)
void localContrast (const double radius_, const double strength_)
void magnify (void)
void map (const Image &mapImage_, const bool dither_=false)
void matteFloodfill (const Color &target_, const unsigned int opacity_, const ::ssize_t x_, const ::ssize_t y_, const PaintMethod method_)
void medianFilter (const double radius_=0.0)
void mergeLayers (const ImageLayerMethod layerType_)
void minify (void)
void modulate (const double brightness_, const double saturation_, const double hue_)
ImageMoments moments (void) const
void morphology (const MorphologyMethod method_, const std::string kernel_, const ssize_t iterations_=1)
void morphology (const MorphologyMethod method_, const KernelInfoType kernel_, const std::string arguments_, const ssize_t iterations_=1)
void morphologyChannel (const ChannelType channel_, const MorphologyMethod method_, const std::string kernel_, const ssize_t iterations_=1)
void morphologyChannel (const ChannelType channel_, const MorphologyMethod method_, const KernelInfoType kernel_, const std::string arguments_, const ssize_t iterations_=1)
void motionBlur (const double radius_, const double sigma_, const double angle_)
void negate (const bool grayscale_=false)
void negateChannel (const ChannelType channel_, const bool grayscale_=false)
void normalize (void)
void oilPaint (const double radius_=3.0)
void opacity (const unsigned int opacity_)
void opaque (const Color &opaqueColor_, const Color &penColor_, const bool invert_=MagickFalse)
void orderedDither (std::string thresholdMap_)
void orderedDitherChannel (const ChannelType channel_, std::string thresholdMap_)
void perceptible (const double epsilon_)
void perceptibleChannel (const ChannelType channel_, const double epsilon_)
void ping (const Blob &blob_)
void ping (const std::string &imageSpec_)
void pixelColor (const ::ssize_t x_, const ::ssize_t y_, const Color &color_)
Color pixelColor (const ::ssize_t x_, const ::ssize_t y_) const
void polaroid (const std::string &caption_, const double angle_)
void posterize (const size_t levels_, const bool dither_=false)
void posterizeChannel (const ChannelType channel_, const size_t levels_, const bool dither_=false)
void process (std::string name_, const ::ssize_t argc_, const char **argv_)
void profile (const std::string name_, const Blob &colorProfile_)
Blob profile (const std::string name_) const
void quantize (const bool measureError_=false)
void quantumOperator (const ChannelType channel_, const MagickEvaluateOperator operator_, double rvalue_)
void quantumOperator (const ChannelType channel_, const MagickFunction function_, const size_t number_parameters_, const double *parameters_)
void quantumOperator (const ::ssize_t x_, const ::ssize_t y_, const size_t columns_, const size_t rows_, const ChannelType channel_, const MagickEvaluateOperator operator_, const double rvalue_)
void raise (const Geometry &geometry_=raiseGeometryDefault, const bool raisedFlag_=false)
void randomThreshold (const Geometry &thresholds_)
void randomThresholdChannel (const Geometry &thresholds_, const ChannelType channel_)
void read (const Blob &blob_)
void read (const Blob &blob_, const Geometry &size_)
void read (const Blob &blob_, const Geometry &size_, const size_t depth_)
void read (const Blob &blob_, const Geometry &size_, const size_t depth_, const std::string &magick_)
void read (const Blob &blob_, const Geometry &size_, const std::string &magick_)
void read (const Geometry &size_, const std::string &imageSpec_)
void read (const size_t width_, const size_t height_, const std::string &map_, const StorageType type_, const void *pixels_)
void read (const std::string &imageSpec_)
void readPixels (const QuantumType quantum_, const unsigned char *source_)
void reduceNoise (void)
void reduceNoise (const double order_)
void repage ()
void resample (const Geometry &geometry_)
void resize (const Geometry &geometry_)
void roll (const Geometry &roll_)
void roll (const size_t columns_, const size_t rows_)
void rotate (const double degrees_)
void rotationalBlur (const double angle_)
void rotationalBlurChannel (const ChannelType channel_, const double angle_)
void sample (const Geometry &geometry_)
void scale (const Geometry &geometry_)
void segment (const double clusterThreshold_=1.0, const double smoothingThreshold_=1.5)
void selectiveBlur (const double radius_, const double sigma_, const double threshold_)
void selectiveBlurChannel (const ChannelType channel_, const double radius_, const double sigma_, const double threshold_)
Image separate (const ChannelType channel_) const
void sepiaTone (const double threshold_)
PixelPacket * setPixels (const ::ssize_t x_, const ::ssize_t y_, const size_t columns_, const size_t rows_)
void shade (const double azimuth_=30, const double elevation_=30, const bool colorShading_=false)
void shadow (const double percent_opacity_=80.0, const double sigma_=0.5, const ssize_t x_=5, const ssize_t y_=5)
void sharpen (const double radius_=0.0, const double sigma_=1.0)
void sharpenChannel (const ChannelType channel_, const double radius_=0.0, const double sigma_=1.0)
void shave (const Geometry &geometry_)
void shear (const double xShearAngle_, const double yShearAngle_)
void sigmoidalContrast (const size_t sharpen_, const double contrast, const double midpoint=QuantumRange/2.0)
std::string signature (const bool force_=false) const
void sketch (const double radius_=0.0, const double sigma_=1.0, const double angle_=0.0)
void solarize (const double factor_=50.0)
void sparseColor (const ChannelType channel, const SparseColorMethod method, const size_t number_arguments, const double *arguments)
void splice (const Geometry &geometry_)
void splice (const Geometry &geometry_, const Color &backgroundColor_)
void splice (const Geometry &geometry_, const Color &backgroundColor_, const GravityType gravity_)
void spread (const size_t amount_=3)
void statistics (ImageStatistics *statistics) const
void stegano (const Image &watermark_)
void stereo (const Image &rightImage_)
void strip (void)
Image subImageSearch (const Image &reference_, const MetricType metric_, Geometry *offset_, double *similarityMetric_, const double similarityThreshold=(-1.0))
void swirl (const double degrees_)
void syncPixels (void)
void texture (const Image &texture_)
void threshold (const double threshold_)
void thumbnail (const Geometry &geometry_)
void tint (const std::string opacity_)
void transform (const Geometry &imageGeometry_)
void transform (const Geometry &imageGeometry_, const Geometry &cropGeometry_)
void transformOrigin (const double x_, const double y_)
void transformReset (void)
void transformScale (const double sx_, const double sy_)
void transparent (const Color &color_)
void transparentChroma (const Color &colorLow_, const Color &colorHigh_)
void transpose (void)
void transverse (void)
void trim (void)
Image uniqueColors (void) const
void unsharpmask (const double radius_, const double sigma_, const double amount_, const double threshold_)
void unsharpmaskChannel (const ChannelType channel_, const double radius_, const double sigma_, const double amount_, const double threshold_)
void vignette (const double radius_=0.0, const double sigma_=1.0, const ssize_t x_=0, const ssize_t y_=0)
void wave (const double amplitude_=25.0, const double wavelength_=150.0)
void waveletDenoise (const double threshold_, const double softness_)
void whiteThreshold (const std::string &threshold_)
void whiteThresholdChannel (const ChannelType channel_, const std::string &threshold_)
void write (Blob *blob_)
void write (Blob *blob_, const std::string &magick_)
void write (Blob *blob_, const std::string &magick_, const size_t depth_)
void write (const ::ssize_t x_, const ::ssize_t y_, const size_t columns_, const size_t rows_, const std::string &map_, const StorageType type_, void *pixels_)
void write (const std::string &imageSpec_)
void writePixels (const QuantumType quantum_, unsigned char *destination_)
void zoom (const Geometry &geometry_)
 Image (MagickCore::Image *image_)
MagickCore::Image *& image (void)
const MagickCore::Image * constImage (void) const
MagickCore::ImageInfo * imageInfo (void)
const MagickCore::ImageInfo * constImageInfo (void) const
Optionsoptions (void)
const OptionsconstOptions (void) const
MagickCore::QuantizeInfo * quantizeInfo (void)
const MagickCore::QuantizeInfo * constQuantizeInfo (void) const
void modifyImage (void)
MagickCore::Image * replaceImage (MagickCore::Image *replacement_)
void throwImageException (void) const

Static Public Member Functions

static void cacheThreshold (const size_t threshold_)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 53 of file Image.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Magick::Image::Image ( void  )

Definition at line 78 of file Image.cpp.

Magick::Image::Image ( const Blob blob_)

Definition at line 83 of file Image.cpp.

References quiet(), and read().

Magick::Image::Image ( const Blob blob_,
const Geometry size_ 

Definition at line 101 of file Image.cpp.

References quiet(), and read().

Magick::Image::Image ( const Blob blob_,
const Geometry size_,
const size_t  depth_ 

Definition at line 119 of file Image.cpp.

References quiet(), and read().

Magick::Image::Image ( const Blob blob_,
const Geometry size_,
const size_t  depth_,
const std::string &  magick_ 

Definition at line 138 of file Image.cpp.

References quiet(), and read().

Magick::Image::Image ( const Blob blob_,
const Geometry size_,
const std::string &  magick_ 

Definition at line 157 of file Image.cpp.

References quiet(), and read().

Magick::Image::Image ( const Geometry size_,
const Color color_ 

Definition at line 176 of file Image.cpp.

References quiet(), read(), and size().

Magick::Image::Image ( const Image image_)

Definition at line 201 of file Image.cpp.

Magick::Image::Image ( const Image image_,
const Geometry geometry_ 
Magick::Image::Image ( const size_t  width_,
const size_t  height_,
const std::string &  map_,
const StorageType  type_,
const void *  pixels_ 

Definition at line 234 of file Image.cpp.

References quiet(), and read().

Magick::Image::Image ( const std::string &  imageSpec_)

Definition at line 252 of file Image.cpp.

References quiet(), and read().

Magick::Image::~Image ( )

Definition at line 270 of file Image.cpp.

Magick::Image::Image ( MagickCore::Image *  image_)

Definition at line 5018 of file Image.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

void Magick::Image::adaptiveBlur ( const double  radius_ = 0.0,
const double  sigma_ = 1.0 

Definition at line 1782 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, Magick::Image, and ThrowImageException.

Referenced by Magick::adaptiveBlurImage::operator()().

void Magick::Image::adaptiveResize ( const Geometry geometry_)

Definition at line 1793 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, Magick::Image, and ThrowImageException.

void Magick::Image::adaptiveSharpen ( const double  radius_ = 0.0,
const double  sigma_ = 1.0 

Definition at line 1815 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, Magick::Image, and ThrowImageException.

void Magick::Image::adaptiveSharpenChannel ( const ChannelType  channel_,
const double  radius_ = 0.0,
const double  sigma_ = 1.0 

Definition at line 1826 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, Magick::Image, and ThrowImageException.

void Magick::Image::adaptiveThreshold ( const size_t  width,
const size_t  height,
const ::ssize_t  offset = 0 
void Magick::Image::addNoise ( const NoiseType  noiseType_)

Definition at line 1852 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, Magick::Image, and ThrowImageException.

Referenced by main(), and Magick::addNoiseImage::operator()().

void Magick::Image::addNoiseChannel ( const ChannelType  channel_,
const NoiseType  noiseType_ 

Definition at line 1863 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, Magick::Image, and ThrowImageException.

Referenced by main().

void Magick::Image::adjoin ( const bool  flag_)

Definition at line 319 of file Image.cpp.

Referenced by Magick::adjoinImage::operator()().

bool Magick::Image::adjoin ( void  ) const

Definition at line 325 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::alphaChannel ( AlphaChannelType  alphaType_)

Definition at line 1897 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::animationDelay ( const size_t  delay_)

Definition at line 341 of file Image.cpp.

Referenced by main(), and Magick::animationDelayImage::operator()().

size_t Magick::Image::animationDelay ( void  ) const

Definition at line 347 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::animationIterations ( const size_t  iterations_)

Definition at line 352 of file Image.cpp.

Referenced by Magick::animationIterationsImage::operator()().

size_t Magick::Image::animationIterations ( void  ) const

Definition at line 358 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::annotate ( const std::string &  text_,
const Geometry location_ 

Definition at line 1904 of file Image.cpp.

Referenced by main(), and Magick::annotateImage::operator()().

void Magick::Image::annotate ( const std::string &  text_,
const Geometry boundingArea_,
const GravityType  gravity_ 

Definition at line 1910 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::annotate ( const std::string &  text_,
const Geometry boundingArea_,
const GravityType  gravity_,
const double  degrees_ 
void Magick::Image::annotate ( const std::string &  text_,
const GravityType  gravity_ 

Definition at line 1991 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::antiAlias ( const bool  flag_)

Definition at line 330 of file Image.cpp.

Referenced by Magick::antiAliasImage::operator()().

bool Magick::Image::antiAlias ( void  ) const

Definition at line 336 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::artifact ( const std::string &  name_,
const std::string &  value_ 

Definition at line 2012 of file Image.cpp.

std::string Magick::Image::artifact ( const std::string &  name_) const

Definition at line 2019 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::attenuate ( const double  attenuate_)

Definition at line 363 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::attribute ( const std::string  name_,
const std::string  value_ 

Definition at line 2030 of file Image.cpp.

Referenced by main().

std::string Magick::Image::attribute ( const std::string  name_) const

Definition at line 2036 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::autoGamma ( void  )

Definition at line 2049 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::autoGammaChannel ( const ChannelType  channel_)

Definition at line 2056 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::autoLevel ( void  )

Definition at line 2063 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::autoLevelChannel ( const ChannelType  channel_)

Definition at line 2070 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::autoOrient ( void  )

Definition at line 2077 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, Magick::Image, and ThrowImageException.

void Magick::Image::backgroundColor ( const Color color_)

Definition at line 373 of file Image.cpp.

References Magick::Color, and Magick::Color::isValid().

Referenced by main(), and Magick::backgroundColorImage::operator()().

Magick::Color Magick::Image::backgroundColor ( void  ) const

Definition at line 385 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::backgroundTexture ( const std::string &  backgroundTexture_)

Definition at line 390 of file Image.cpp.

Referenced by Magick::backgroundTextureImage::operator()().

std::string Magick::Image::backgroundTexture ( void  ) const

Definition at line 396 of file Image.cpp.

size_t Magick::Image::baseColumns ( void  ) const

Definition at line 401 of file Image.cpp.

std::string Magick::Image::baseFilename ( void  ) const

Definition at line 406 of file Image.cpp.

size_t Magick::Image::baseRows ( void  ) const

Definition at line 411 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::blackPointCompensation ( const bool  flag_)

Definition at line 416 of file Image.cpp.

bool Magick::Image::blackPointCompensation ( void  ) const

Definition at line 421 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::blackThreshold ( const std::string &  threshold_)

Definition at line 2092 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::blackThresholdChannel ( const ChannelType  channel_,
const std::string &  threshold_ 

Definition at line 2099 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, and ThrowImageException.

void Magick::Image::blueShift ( const double  factor_ = 1.5)

Definition at line 2109 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, Magick::Image, and ThrowImageException.

void Magick::Image::blur ( const double  radius_ = 0.0,
const double  sigma_ = 1.0 

Definition at line 2121 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, Magick::Image, and ThrowImageException.

Referenced by main(), and Magick::blurImage::operator()().

void Magick::Image::blurChannel ( const ChannelType  channel_,
const double  radius_ = 0.0,
const double  sigma_ = 1.0 

Definition at line 2132 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, Magick::Image, and ThrowImageException.

Referenced by main().

void Magick::Image::border ( const Geometry geometry_ = borderGeometryDefault)

Definition at line 2145 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, Magick::Image, and ThrowImageException.

Referenced by main(), and Magick::borderImage::operator()().

void Magick::Image::borderColor ( const Color color_)

Definition at line 426 of file Image.cpp.

References Magick::Color, and Magick::Color::isValid().

Referenced by main(), and Magick::borderColorImage::operator()().

Magick::Color Magick::Image::borderColor ( void  ) const

Definition at line 438 of file Image.cpp.

Magick::Geometry Magick::Image::boundingBox ( void  ) const

Definition at line 443 of file Image.cpp.

References Magick::Geometry, GetPPException, and ThrowImageException.

void Magick::Image::boxColor ( const Color boxColor_)

Definition at line 454 of file Image.cpp.

Referenced by main(), and Magick::boxColorImage::operator()().

Magick::Color Magick::Image::boxColor ( void  ) const

Definition at line 460 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::brightnessContrast ( const double  brightness_ = 0.0,
const double  contrast_ = 0.0 

Definition at line 2159 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::brightnessContrastChannel ( const ChannelType  channel_,
const double  brightness_ = 0.0,
const double  contrast_ = 0.0 

Definition at line 2167 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::cacheThreshold ( const size_t  threshold_)

Definition at line 465 of file Image.cpp.

References Magick::ResourceLimits::memory().

void Magick::Image::cannyEdge ( const double  radius_ = 0.0,
const double  sigma_ = 1.0,
const double  lowerPercent_ = 0.1,
const double  upperPercent_ = 0.3 

Definition at line 2175 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, Magick::Image, and ThrowImageException.

void Magick::Image::cdl ( const std::string &  cdl_)

Definition at line 2189 of file Image.cpp.

Referenced by Magick::cdlImage::operator()().

void Magick::Image::channel ( const ChannelType  channel_)

Definition at line 2196 of file Image.cpp.

Referenced by main(), and Magick::channelImage::operator()().

void Magick::Image::channelDepth ( const ChannelType  channel_,
const size_t  depth_ 

Definition at line 2203 of file Image.cpp.

size_t Magick::Image::channelDepth ( const ChannelType  channel_)

Definition at line 2211 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, and ThrowImageException.

void Magick::Image::charcoal ( const double  radius_ = 0.0,
const double  sigma_ = 1.0 

Definition at line 2222 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, Magick::Image, and ThrowImageException.

Referenced by main(), and Magick::charcoalImage::operator()().

void Magick::Image::chop ( const Geometry geometry_)

Definition at line 2233 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, Magick::Image, and ThrowImageException.

Referenced by Magick::chopImage::operator()().

void Magick::Image::chromaBluePrimary ( const double  x_,
const double  y_ 

Definition at line 2247 of file Image.cpp.

Referenced by Magick::chromaBluePrimaryImage::operator()().

void Magick::Image::chromaBluePrimary ( double *  x_,
double *  y_ 
) const

Definition at line 2254 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::chromaGreenPrimary ( const double  x_,
const double  y_ 

Definition at line 2260 of file Image.cpp.

Referenced by Magick::chromaGreenPrimaryImage::operator()().

void Magick::Image::chromaGreenPrimary ( double *  x_,
double *  y_ 
) const

Definition at line 2267 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::chromaRedPrimary ( const double  x_,
const double  y_ 

Definition at line 2273 of file Image.cpp.

Referenced by Magick::chromaRedPrimaryImage::operator()().

void Magick::Image::chromaRedPrimary ( double *  x_,
double *  y_ 
) const

Definition at line 2280 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::chromaWhitePoint ( const double  x_,
const double  y_ 

Definition at line 2286 of file Image.cpp.

Referenced by Magick::chromaWhitePointImage::operator()().

void Magick::Image::chromaWhitePoint ( double *  x_,
double *  y_ 
) const

Definition at line 2293 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::clamp ( void  )

Definition at line 2299 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::clampChannel ( const ChannelType  channel_)

Definition at line 2306 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::classType ( const ClassType  class_)

Definition at line 470 of file Image.cpp.

Magick::ClassType Magick::Image::classType ( void  ) const

Definition at line 1616 of file Image.h.

References constImage().

void Magick::Image::clip ( void  )

Definition at line 2313 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::clipMask ( const Image clipMask_)

Definition at line 492 of file Image.cpp.

References constImage(), and isValid().

Magick::Image Magick::Image::clipMask ( void  ) const

Definition at line 502 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, Magick::Image, and ThrowImageException.

void Magick::Image::clipPath ( const std::string  pathname_,
const bool  inside_ 

Definition at line 2320 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::clut ( const Image clutImage_)

Definition at line 2327 of file Image.cpp.

References constImage().

void Magick::Image::clutChannel ( const ChannelType  channel_,
const Image clutImage_ 

Definition at line 2334 of file Image.cpp.

References constImage().

void Magick::Image::colorFuzz ( const double  fuzz_)

Definition at line 517 of file Image.cpp.

Referenced by main(), and Magick::colorFuzzImage::operator()().

double Magick::Image::colorFuzz ( void  ) const

Definition at line 524 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::colorize ( const unsigned int  opacity_,
const Color penColor_ 

Definition at line 2364 of file Image.cpp.

Referenced by Magick::colorizeImage::operator()().

void Magick::Image::colorize ( const unsigned int  opacityRed_,
const unsigned int  opacityGreen_,
const unsigned int  opacityBlue_,
const Color penColor_ 
void Magick::Image::colorMap ( const size_t  index_,
const Color color_ 
Magick::Color Magick::Image::colorMap ( const size_t  index_) const

Definition at line 2389 of file Image.cpp.

References Magick::Color, and Magick::throwExceptionExplicit().

void Magick::Image::colorMapSize ( const size_t  entries_)

Definition at line 529 of file Image.cpp.

References Magick::throwExceptionExplicit().

size_t Magick::Image::colorMapSize ( void  ) const

Definition at line 539 of file Image.cpp.

References Magick::throwExceptionExplicit().

void Magick::Image::colorMatrix ( const size_t  order_,
const double *  color_matrix_ 

Definition at line 2403 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, Magick::Image, and ThrowImageException.

Referenced by Magick::colorMatrixImage::operator()().

void Magick::Image::colorSpace ( const ColorspaceType  colorSpace_)

Definition at line 547 of file Image.cpp.

Referenced by Magick::colorSpaceImage::operator()().

Magick::ColorspaceType Magick::Image::colorSpace ( void  ) const

Definition at line 557 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::colorspaceType ( const ColorspaceType  colorSpace_)

Definition at line 562 of file Image.cpp.

Magick::ColorspaceType Magick::Image::colorspaceType ( void  ) const

Definition at line 570 of file Image.cpp.

size_t Magick::Image::columns ( void  ) const
void Magick::Image::comment ( const std::string &  comment_)

Definition at line 575 of file Image.cpp.

Referenced by Magick::commentImage::operator()().

std::string Magick::Image::comment ( void  ) const

Definition at line 584 of file Image.cpp.

bool Magick::Image::compare ( const Image reference_)

Definition at line 2428 of file Image.cpp.

References constImage(), and modifyImage().

double Magick::Image::compare ( const Image reference_,
const MetricType  metric_ 

Definition at line 2443 of file Image.cpp.

References constImage(), GetPPException, and ThrowImageException.

Magick::Image Magick::Image::compare ( const Image reference_,
const MetricType  metric_,
double *  distortion 

Definition at line 2468 of file Image.cpp.

References constImage(), GetPPException, Magick::Image, and ThrowImageException.

double Magick::Image::compareChannel ( const ChannelType  channel_,
const Image reference_,
const MetricType  metric_ 

Definition at line 2455 of file Image.cpp.

References constImage(), GetPPException, and ThrowImageException.

Magick::Image Magick::Image::compareChannel ( const ChannelType  channel_,
const Image reference_,
const MetricType  metric_,
double *  distortion 

Definition at line 2484 of file Image.cpp.

References constImage(), GetPPException, Magick::Image, and ThrowImageException.

void Magick::Image::compose ( const CompositeOperator  compose_)

Definition at line 597 of file Image.cpp.

Referenced by Magick::composeImage::operator()().

Magick::CompositeOperator Magick::Image::compose ( void  ) const

Definition at line 602 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::composite ( const Image compositeImage_,
const Geometry offset_,
const CompositeOperator  compose_ = InCompositeOp 
void Magick::Image::composite ( const Image compositeImage_,
const GravityType  gravity_,
const CompositeOperator  compose_ = InCompositeOp 

Definition at line 2519 of file Image.cpp.

References constImage().

void Magick::Image::composite ( const Image compositeImage_,
const ::ssize_t  xOffset_,
const ::ssize_t  yOffset_,
const CompositeOperator  compose_ = InCompositeOp 
void Magick::Image::compressType ( const CompressionType  compressType_)

Definition at line 607 of file Image.cpp.

Referenced by main(), and Magick::compressTypeImage::operator()().

Magick::CompressionType Magick::Image::compressType ( void  ) const

Definition at line 614 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::connectedComponents ( const size_t  connectivity_)

Definition at line 2548 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, Magick::Image, and ThrowImageException.

const MagickCore::ImageInfo * Magick::Image::constImageInfo ( void  ) const

Definition at line 5038 of file Image.cpp.

const Magick::Options * Magick::Image::constOptions ( void  ) const

Definition at line 5048 of file Image.cpp.

Referenced by Image().

const MagickCore::QuantizeInfo * Magick::Image::constQuantizeInfo ( void  ) const

Definition at line 5058 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::contrast ( const size_t  sharpen_)

Definition at line 2559 of file Image.cpp.

Referenced by main(), and Magick::contrastImage::operator()().

void Magick::Image::contrastStretch ( const double  black_point_,
const double  white_point_ 

Definition at line 2566 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::contrastStretchChannel ( const ChannelType  channel_,
const double  black_point_,
const double  white_point_ 

Definition at line 2575 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::convolve ( const size_t  order_,
const double *  kernel_ 

Definition at line 2583 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, Magick::Image, and ThrowImageException.

Referenced by main().

void Magick::Image::copyPixels ( const Image source_,
const Geometry geometry_,
const Offset offset_ 

Definition at line 2594 of file Image.cpp.

References constImage(), GetPPException, and ThrowImageException.

void Magick::Image::crop ( const Geometry geometry_)

Definition at line 2610 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, Magick::Image, and ThrowImageException.

Referenced by main(), and Magick::cropImage::operator()().

void Magick::Image::cycleColormap ( const ::ssize_t  amount_)

Definition at line 2624 of file Image.cpp.

Referenced by Magick::cycleColormapImage::operator()().

void Magick::Image::debug ( const bool  flag_)

Definition at line 619 of file Image.cpp.

bool Magick::Image::debug ( void  ) const

Definition at line 625 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::decipher ( const std::string &  passphrase_)

Definition at line 2631 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, and ThrowImageException.

void Magick::Image::defineSet ( const std::string &  magick_,
const std::string &  key_,
bool  flag_ 

Definition at line 2639 of file Image.cpp.

bool Magick::Image::defineSet ( const std::string &  magick_,
const std::string &  key_ 
) const

Definition at line 2653 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::defineValue ( const std::string &  magick_,
const std::string &  key_,
const std::string &  value_ 

Definition at line 2669 of file Image.cpp.

std::string Magick::Image::defineValue ( const std::string &  magick_,
const std::string &  key_ 
) const

Definition at line 2680 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::density ( const Geometry geomery_)
Magick::Geometry Magick::Image::density ( void  ) const

Definition at line 650 of file Image.cpp.

References Magick::Geometry.

void Magick::Image::depth ( const size_t  depth_)

Definition at line 670 of file Image.cpp.

Referenced by main(), and Magick::depthImage::operator()().

size_t Magick::Image::depth ( void  ) const

Definition at line 683 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::deskew ( const double  threshold_)

Definition at line 2696 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, Magick::Image, and ThrowImageException.

void Magick::Image::despeckle ( void  )

Definition at line 2707 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, Magick::Image, and ThrowImageException.

Referenced by main(), and Magick::despeckleImage::operator()().

Magick::ImageType Magick::Image::determineType ( void  ) const

Definition at line 2718 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, and ThrowImageException.

std::string Magick::Image::directory ( void  ) const

Definition at line 688 of file Image.cpp.

References Magick::throwExceptionExplicit().

void Magick::Image::display ( void  )

Definition at line 2729 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::distort ( const DistortImageMethod  method_,
const size_t  number_arguments_,
const double *  arguments_,
const bool  bestfit_ = false 

Definition at line 2734 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, Magick::Image, and ThrowImageException.

Referenced by Magick::distortImage::operator()().

void Magick::Image::draw ( const Drawable drawable_)

Definition at line 2747 of file Image.cpp.

Referenced by main(), and Magick::drawImage::operator()().

void Magick::Image::draw ( const std::list< Magick::Drawable > &  drawable_)

Definition at line 2769 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::edge ( const double  radius_ = 0.0)

Definition at line 2797 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, Magick::Image, and ThrowImageException.

Referenced by main(), and Magick::edgeImage::operator()().

void Magick::Image::emboss ( const double  radius_ = 0.0,
const double  sigma_ = 1.0 

Definition at line 2808 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, Magick::Image, and ThrowImageException.

Referenced by main(), and Magick::embossImage::operator()().

void Magick::Image::encipher ( const std::string &  passphrase_)

Definition at line 2819 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, and ThrowImageException.

void Magick::Image::endian ( const EndianType  endian_)

Definition at line 699 of file Image.cpp.

Referenced by Magick::endianImage::operator()().

Magick::EndianType Magick::Image::endian ( void  ) const

Definition at line 706 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::enhance ( void  )

Definition at line 2827 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, Magick::Image, and ThrowImageException.

Referenced by Magick::enhanceImage::operator()().

void Magick::Image::equalize ( void  )

Definition at line 2838 of file Image.cpp.

Referenced by main(), and Magick::equalizeImage::operator()().

void Magick::Image::erase ( void  )

Definition at line 2845 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::exifProfile ( const Blob exifProfile_)

Definition at line 711 of file Image.cpp.

References Magick::Blob::data(), and Magick::Blob::length().

Magick::Blob Magick::Image::exifProfile ( void  ) const

Definition at line 726 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::extent ( const Geometry geometry_)
void Magick::Image::extent ( const Geometry geometry_,
const Color backgroundColor 

Definition at line 2871 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::extent ( const Geometry geometry_,
const Color backgroundColor,
const GravityType  gravity_ 

Definition at line 2878 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::extent ( const Geometry geometry_,
const GravityType  gravity_ 

Definition at line 2886 of file Image.cpp.

References Magick::Geometry::height(), and Magick::Geometry::width().

void Magick::Image::fileName ( const std::string &  fileName_)

Definition at line 739 of file Image.cpp.

Referenced by Magick::fileNameImage::operator()().

std::string Magick::Image::fileName ( void  ) const

Definition at line 749 of file Image.cpp.

off_t Magick::Image::fileSize ( void  ) const

Definition at line 754 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::fillColor ( const Color fillColor_)

Definition at line 759 of file Image.cpp.

Referenced by main(), and Magick::fillColorImage::operator()().

Magick::Color Magick::Image::fillColor ( void  ) const

Definition at line 765 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::fillPattern ( const Image fillPattern_)

Definition at line 781 of file Image.cpp.

References constImage(), and isValid().

Referenced by fillPattern(), and penTexture().

Magick::Image Magick::Image::fillPattern ( void  ) const
void Magick::Image::fillRule ( const FillRule &  fillRule_)

Definition at line 770 of file Image.cpp.

Magick::FillRule Magick::Image::fillRule ( void  ) const

Definition at line 776 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::filterType ( const FilterTypes  filterType_)

Definition at line 815 of file Image.cpp.

Referenced by main(), and Magick::filterTypeImage::operator()().

Magick::FilterTypes Magick::Image::filterType ( void  ) const

Definition at line 821 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::flip ( void  )

Definition at line 2899 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, Magick::Image, and ThrowImageException.

Referenced by main(), and Magick::flipImage::operator()().

void Magick::Image::floodFillColor ( const Geometry point_,
const Color fillColor_ 

Definition at line 2910 of file Image.cpp.

References Magick::Geometry::xOff(), and Magick::Geometry::yOff().

Referenced by main(), and Magick::floodFillColorImage::operator()().

void Magick::Image::floodFillColor ( const Geometry point_,
const Color fillColor_,
const bool  invert_ 

Definition at line 2916 of file Image.cpp.

References Magick::Geometry::xOff(), and Magick::Geometry::yOff().

void Magick::Image::floodFillColor ( const ::ssize_t  x_,
const ::ssize_t  y_,
const Color fillColor_ 
void Magick::Image::floodFillColor ( const ::ssize_t  x_,
const ::ssize_t  y_,
const Color fillColor_,
const bool  invert_ 
void Magick::Image::floodFillColor ( const Geometry point_,
const Color fillColor_,
const Color borderColor_ 

Definition at line 2940 of file Image.cpp.

References Magick::Geometry::xOff(), and Magick::Geometry::yOff().

void Magick::Image::floodFillColor ( const Geometry point_,
const Color fillColor_,
const Color borderColor_,
const bool  invert_ 

Definition at line 2946 of file Image.cpp.

References Magick::Geometry::xOff(), and Magick::Geometry::yOff().

void Magick::Image::floodFillColor ( const ::ssize_t  x_,
const ::ssize_t  y_,
const Color fillColor_,
const Color borderColor_ 
void Magick::Image::floodFillColor ( const ::ssize_t  x_,
const ::ssize_t  y_,
const Color fillColor_,
const Color borderColor_,
const bool  invert_ 
void Magick::Image::floodFillOpacity ( const ::ssize_t  x_,
const ::ssize_t  y_,
const unsigned int  opacity_,
const bool  invert_ = false 
void Magick::Image::floodFillOpacity ( const ::ssize_t  x_,
const ::ssize_t  y_,
const unsigned int  opacity_,
const PaintMethod  method_ 
void Magick::Image::floodFillOpacity ( const ::ssize_t  x_,
const ::ssize_t  y_,
const unsigned int  opacity_,
const Color target_,
const bool  invert_ = false 

Definition at line 3000 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::floodFillTexture ( const Geometry point_,
const Image texture_ 
void Magick::Image::floodFillTexture ( const Geometry point_,
const Image texture_,
const bool  invert_ 

Definition at line 3028 of file Image.cpp.

References Magick::Geometry::xOff(), and Magick::Geometry::yOff().

void Magick::Image::floodFillTexture ( const ::ssize_t  x_,
const ::ssize_t  y_,
const Image texture_ 
void Magick::Image::floodFillTexture ( const ::ssize_t  x_,
const ::ssize_t  y_,
const Image texture_,
const bool  invert_ 
void Magick::Image::floodFillTexture ( const Geometry point_,
const Image texture_,
const Color borderColor_ 

Definition at line 3052 of file Image.cpp.

References Magick::Geometry::xOff(), and Magick::Geometry::yOff().

void Magick::Image::floodFillTexture ( const Geometry point_,
const Image texture_,
const Color borderColor_,
const bool  invert_ 

Definition at line 3058 of file Image.cpp.

References Magick::Geometry::xOff(), and Magick::Geometry::yOff().

void Magick::Image::floodFillTexture ( const ::ssize_t  x_,
const ::ssize_t  y_,
const Image texture_,
const Color borderColor_ 
void Magick::Image::floodFillTexture ( const ::ssize_t  x_,
const ::ssize_t  y_,
const Image texture_,
const Color borderColor_,
const bool  invert_ 
void Magick::Image::flop ( void  )

Definition at line 3084 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, Magick::Image, and ThrowImageException.

Referenced by main(), and Magick::flopImage::operator()().

void Magick::Image::font ( const std::string &  font_)

Definition at line 826 of file Image.cpp.

Referenced by main(), and Magick::fontImage::operator()().

std::string Magick::Image::font ( void  ) const

Definition at line 832 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::fontFamily ( const std::string &  family_)

Definition at line 837 of file Image.cpp.

std::string Magick::Image::fontFamily ( void  ) const

Definition at line 843 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::fontPointsize ( const double  pointSize_)

Definition at line 849 of file Image.cpp.

Referenced by main(), and Magick::fontPointsizeImage::operator()().

double Magick::Image::fontPointsize ( void  ) const

Definition at line 855 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::fontStyle ( const StyleType  style_)

Definition at line 876 of file Image.cpp.

Magick::StyleType Magick::Image::fontStyle ( void  ) const

Definition at line 882 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::fontTypeMetrics ( const std::string &  text_,
TypeMetric metrics 

Definition at line 3095 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::fontTypeMetricsMultiline ( const std::string &  text_,
TypeMetric metrics 

Definition at line 3108 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::fontWeight ( const size_t  weight_)

Definition at line 887 of file Image.cpp.

size_t Magick::Image::fontWeight ( void  ) const

Definition at line 893 of file Image.cpp.

std::string Magick::Image::format ( void  ) const

Definition at line 860 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, Magick::throwExceptionExplicit(), and ThrowImageException.

std::string Magick::Image::formatExpression ( const std::string  expression)

Definition at line 899 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::frame ( const size_t  width_,
const size_t  height_,
const ::ssize_t  innerBevel_ = 6,
const ::ssize_t  outerBevel_ = 6 
void Magick::Image::fx ( const std::string  expression)

Definition at line 3163 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, Magick::Image, and ThrowImageException.

void Magick::Image::fx ( const std::string  expression,
const Magick::ChannelType  channel 

Definition at line 3175 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, Magick::Image, and ThrowImageException.

double Magick::Image::gamma ( void  ) const

Definition at line 918 of file Image.cpp.

Referenced by main(), and Magick::gammaImage::operator()().

void Magick::Image::gamma ( const double  gamma_)

Definition at line 3188 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::gamma ( const double  gammaRed_,
const double  gammaGreen_,
const double  gammaBlue_ 

Definition at line 3199 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::gaussianBlur ( const double  width_,
const double  sigma_ 

Definition at line 3213 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, Magick::Image, and ThrowImageException.

Referenced by main(), and Magick::gaussianBlurImage::operator()().

void Magick::Image::gaussianBlurChannel ( const ChannelType  channel_,
const double  width_,
const double  sigma_ 

Definition at line 3224 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, Magick::Image, and ThrowImageException.

Referenced by main().

Magick::Geometry Magick::Image::geometry ( void  ) const

Definition at line 923 of file Image.cpp.

References Magick::Geometry, and Magick::throwExceptionExplicit().

Referenced by Image().

const Magick::IndexPacket * Magick::Image::getConstIndexes ( void  ) const

Definition at line 3237 of file Image.cpp.

const Magick::PixelPacket * Magick::Image::getConstPixels ( const ::ssize_t  x_,
const ::ssize_t  y_,
const size_t  columns_,
const size_t  rows_ 
) const

Definition at line 3249 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, and ThrowImageException.

Magick::IndexPacket * Magick::Image::getIndexes ( void  )

Definition at line 3261 of file Image.cpp.

Magick::PixelPacket * Magick::Image::getPixels ( const ::ssize_t  x_,
const ::ssize_t  y_,
const size_t  columns_,
const size_t  rows_ 

Definition at line 3274 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, and ThrowImageException.

void Magick::Image::gifDisposeMethod ( const size_t  disposeMethod_)

Definition at line 933 of file Image.cpp.

Referenced by Magick::gifDisposeMethodImage::operator()().

size_t Magick::Image::gifDisposeMethod ( void  ) const

Definition at line 939 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::grayscale ( const PixelIntensityMethod  method_)

Definition at line 3287 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::haldClut ( const Image clutImage_)

Definition at line 3294 of file Image.cpp.

References constImage().

Referenced by Magick::haldClutImage::operator()().

void Magick::Image::highlightColor ( const Color  color_)

Definition at line 945 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::houghLine ( const size_t  width_,
const size_t  height_,
const size_t  threshold_ = 40 

Definition at line 3301 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, Magick::Image, and ThrowImageException.

void Magick::Image::iccColorProfile ( const Blob colorProfile_)

Definition at line 954 of file Image.cpp.

Magick::Blob Magick::Image::iccColorProfile ( void  ) const

Definition at line 959 of file Image.cpp.

MagickCore::Image *& Magick::Image::image ( void  )

Definition at line 5023 of file Image.cpp.

Referenced by Image(), and Magick::Pixels::Pixels().

MagickCore::ImageInfo * Magick::Image::imageInfo ( void  )

Definition at line 5033 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::implode ( const double  factor_)

Definition at line 3314 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, Magick::Image, and ThrowImageException.

Referenced by main(), and Magick::implodeImage::operator()().

void Magick::Image::interlaceType ( const InterlaceType  interlace_)

Definition at line 972 of file Image.cpp.

Referenced by Magick::interlaceTypeImage::operator()().

Magick::InterlaceType Magick::Image::interlaceType ( void  ) const

Definition at line 979 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::interpolate ( const InterpolatePixelMethod  interpolate_)

Definition at line 984 of file Image.cpp.

Magick::InterpolatePixelMethod Magick::Image::interpolate ( void  ) const

Definition at line 990 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::inverseFourierTransform ( const Image phase_)

Definition at line 3325 of file Image.cpp.

Referenced by Magick::inverseFourierTransformImage::operator()().

void Magick::Image::inverseFourierTransform ( const Image phase_,
const bool  magnitude_ 

Definition at line 3330 of file Image.cpp.

References constImage(), GetPPException, Magick::Image, and ThrowImageException.

void Magick::Image::iptcProfile ( const Blob iptcProfile_)

Definition at line 995 of file Image.cpp.

References Magick::Blob::data(), and Magick::Blob::length().

Magick::Blob Magick::Image::iptcProfile ( void  ) const

Definition at line 1010 of file Image.cpp.

bool Magick::Image::isOpaque ( void  ) const

Definition at line 1022 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, and ThrowImageException.

void Magick::Image::isValid ( const bool  isValid_)
bool Magick::Image::isValid ( void  ) const

Definition at line 1049 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::kuwahara ( const double  radius_ = 0.0,
const double  sigma_ = 1.0 

Definition at line 3343 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, Magick::Image, and ThrowImageException.

void Magick::Image::kuwaharaChannel ( const ChannelType  channel_,
const double  radius_ = 0.0,
const double  sigma_ = 1.0 

Definition at line 3354 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, Magick::Image, and ThrowImageException.

void Magick::Image::label ( const std::string &  label_)

Definition at line 1054 of file Image.cpp.

Referenced by main(), and Magick::labelImage::operator()().

std::string Magick::Image::label ( void  ) const

Definition at line 1063 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::level ( const double  black_point,
const double  white_point,
const double  mid_point = 1.0 

Definition at line 3367 of file Image.cpp.

Referenced by main(), and Magick::levelImage::operator()().

void Magick::Image::levelChannel ( const ChannelType  channel,
const double  black_point,
const double  white_point,
const double  mid_point = 1.0 

Definition at line 3380 of file Image.cpp.

Referenced by main(), and Magick::levelChannelImage::operator()().

void Magick::Image::levelColors ( const Color blackColor_,
const Color whiteColor_,
const bool  invert_ = true 

Definition at line 3388 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::levelColorsChannel ( const ChannelType  channel_,
const Color blackColor_,
const Color whiteColor_,
const bool  invert_ = true 

Definition at line 3419 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::levelize ( const double  blackPoint_,
const double  whitePoint_,
const double  gamma_ = 1.0 

Definition at line 3450 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::levelizeChannel ( const ChannelType  channel_,
const double  blackPoint_,
const double  whitePoint_,
const double  gamma_ = 1.0 

Definition at line 3458 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::linearStretch ( const double  blackPoint_,
const double  whitePoint_ 

Definition at line 3466 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::lineWidth ( const double  lineWidth_)

Definition at line 1626 of file Image.h.

Referenced by Magick::lineWidthImage::operator()().

double Magick::Image::lineWidth ( void  ) const

Definition at line 1630 of file Image.h.

void Magick::Image::liquidRescale ( const Geometry geometry_)

Definition at line 3474 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, Magick::Image, and ThrowImageException.

void Magick::Image::localContrast ( const double  radius_,
const double  strength_ 

Definition at line 3496 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, Magick::Image, and ThrowImageException.

void Magick::Image::lowlightColor ( const Color  color_)

Definition at line 1076 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::magick ( const std::string &  magick_)

Definition at line 1085 of file Image.cpp.

Referenced by Magick::magickImage::operator()().

std::string Magick::Image::magick ( void  ) const

Definition at line 1103 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::magnify ( void  )

Definition at line 3507 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, Magick::Image, and ThrowImageException.

Referenced by Magick::magnifyImage::operator()().

void Magick::Image::map ( const Image mapImage_,
const bool  dither_ = false 

Definition at line 3518 of file Image.cpp.

References constImage().

Referenced by Magick::mapImage::operator()().

void Magick::Image::mask ( const Image mask_)

Definition at line 1111 of file Image.cpp.

References constImage(), and isValid().

Magick::Image Magick::Image::mask ( void  ) const

Definition at line 1121 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, Magick::Image, and ThrowImageException.

void Magick::Image::matte ( const bool  matteFlag_)

Definition at line 1136 of file Image.cpp.

Referenced by main(), and Magick::matteImage::operator()().

bool Magick::Image::matte ( void  ) const

Definition at line 1151 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::matteColor ( const Color matteColor_)

Definition at line 1159 of file Image.cpp.

References Magick::Color::isValid().

Referenced by Magick::matteColorImage::operator()().

Magick::Color Magick::Image::matteColor ( void  ) const

Definition at line 1179 of file Image.cpp.

References Magick::Color.

void Magick::Image::matteFloodfill ( const Color target_,
const unsigned int  opacity_,
const ::ssize_t  x_,
const ::ssize_t  y_,
const PaintMethod  method_ 

Definition at line 3526 of file Image.cpp.

Referenced by Magick::matteFloodfillImage::operator()().

double Magick::Image::meanErrorPerPixel ( void  ) const

Definition at line 1185 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::medianFilter ( const double  radius_ = 0.0)

Definition at line 3534 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, Magick::Image, and ThrowImageException.

Referenced by main(), and Magick::medianFilterImage::operator()().

void Magick::Image::mergeLayers ( const ImageLayerMethod  layerType_)

Definition at line 3546 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, Magick::Image, and ThrowImageException.

Referenced by Magick::mergeLayersImage::operator()().

void Magick::Image::minify ( void  )

Definition at line 3557 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, Magick::Image, and ThrowImageException.

Referenced by Magick::minifyImage::operator()().

void Magick::Image::modifyImage ( void  )

Definition at line 5063 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, and ThrowImageException.

Referenced by compare().

void Magick::Image::modulate ( const double  brightness_,
const double  saturation_,
const double  hue_ 

Definition at line 3568 of file Image.cpp.

Referenced by main(), and Magick::modulateImage::operator()().

void Magick::Image::modulusDepth ( const size_t  modulusDepth_)

Definition at line 1190 of file Image.cpp.

size_t Magick::Image::modulusDepth ( void  ) const

Definition at line 1197 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, and ThrowImageException.

Magick::ImageMoments Magick::Image::moments ( void  ) const

Definition at line 3582 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::monochrome ( const bool  monochromeFlag_)

Definition at line 1208 of file Image.cpp.

Referenced by Magick::monochromeImage::operator()().

bool Magick::Image::monochrome ( void  ) const

Definition at line 1214 of file Image.cpp.

Magick::Geometry Magick::Image::montageGeometry ( void  ) const

Definition at line 1219 of file Image.cpp.

References Magick::throwExceptionExplicit().

void Magick::Image::morphology ( const MorphologyMethod  method_,
const std::string  kernel_,
const ssize_t  iterations_ = 1 
void Magick::Image::morphology ( const MorphologyMethod  method_,
const KernelInfoType  kernel_,
const std::string  arguments_,
const ssize_t  iterations_ = 1 

Definition at line 3608 of file Image.cpp.

References Magick::throwExceptionExplicit().

void Magick::Image::morphologyChannel ( const ChannelType  channel_,
const MorphologyMethod  method_,
const std::string  kernel_,
const ssize_t  iterations_ = 1 
void Magick::Image::morphologyChannel ( const ChannelType  channel_,
const MorphologyMethod  method_,
const KernelInfoType  kernel_,
const std::string  arguments_,
const ssize_t  iterations_ = 1 

Definition at line 3657 of file Image.cpp.

References Magick::throwExceptionExplicit().

void Magick::Image::motionBlur ( const double  radius_,
const double  sigma_,
const double  angle_ 

Definition at line 3678 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, Magick::Image, and ThrowImageException.

Referenced by main().

void Magick::Image::negate ( const bool  grayscale_ = false)

Definition at line 3690 of file Image.cpp.

Referenced by main(), and Magick::negateImage::operator()().

void Magick::Image::negateChannel ( const ChannelType  channel_,
const bool  grayscale_ = false 

Definition at line 3697 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::normalize ( void  )

Definition at line 3705 of file Image.cpp.

Referenced by main(), and Magick::normalizeImage::operator()().

double Magick::Image::normalizedMaxError ( void  ) const

Definition at line 1230 of file Image.cpp.

double Magick::Image::normalizedMeanError ( void  ) const

Definition at line 1235 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::oilPaint ( const double  radius_ = 3.0)

Definition at line 3712 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, Magick::Image, and ThrowImageException.

Referenced by main(), and Magick::oilPaintImage::operator()().

void Magick::Image::opacity ( const unsigned int  opacity_)

Definition at line 3723 of file Image.cpp.

Referenced by Magick::opacityImage::operator()().

void Magick::Image::opaque ( const Color opaqueColor_,
const Color penColor_,
const bool  invert_ = MagickFalse 
Magick::Image & Magick::Image::operator= ( const Image image_)

Definition at line 287 of file Image.cpp.

Magick::Options * Magick::Image::options ( void  )

Definition at line 5043 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::orderedDither ( std::string  thresholdMap_)

Definition at line 3755 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, and ThrowImageException.

void Magick::Image::orderedDitherChannel ( const ChannelType  channel_,
std::string  thresholdMap_ 

Definition at line 3763 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, and ThrowImageException.

void Magick::Image::orientation ( const OrientationType  orientation_)

Definition at line 1240 of file Image.cpp.

Magick::OrientationType Magick::Image::orientation ( void  ) const

Definition at line 1246 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::page ( const Geometry pageSize_)

Definition at line 1251 of file Image.cpp.

Referenced by Magick::pageImage::operator()().

Magick::Geometry Magick::Image::page ( void  ) const

Definition at line 1258 of file Image.cpp.

References AbsoluteValue, and Magick::Geometry.

void Magick::Image::penColor ( const Color penColor_)

Definition at line 1266 of file Image.cpp.

Referenced by Magick::penColorImage::operator()().

Magick::Color Magick::Image::penColor ( void  ) const

Definition at line 1273 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::penTexture ( const Image penTexture_)

Definition at line 1278 of file Image.cpp.

References constImage(), and isValid().

Referenced by main(), and Magick::penTextureImage::operator()().

Magick::Image Magick::Image::penTexture ( void  ) const
void Magick::Image::perceptible ( const double  epsilon_)

Definition at line 3773 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::perceptibleChannel ( const ChannelType  channel_,
const double  epsilon_ 

Definition at line 3780 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::ping ( const Blob blob_)
void Magick::Image::ping ( const std::string &  imageSpec_)

Definition at line 3798 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, and Magick::Image.

void Magick::Image::pixelColor ( const ::ssize_t  x_,
const ::ssize_t  y_,
const Color color_ 
Color Magick::Image::pixelColor ( const ::ssize_t  x_,
const ::ssize_t  y_ 
) const
void Magick::Image::polaroid ( const std::string &  caption_,
const double  angle_ 

Definition at line 3858 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, Magick::Image, and ThrowImageException.

void Magick::Image::posterize ( const size_t  levels_,
const bool  dither_ = false 

Definition at line 3871 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::posterizeChannel ( const ChannelType  channel_,
const size_t  levels_,
const bool  dither_ = false 

Definition at line 3878 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::process ( std::string  name_,
const ::ssize_t  argc_,
const char **  argv_ 

Definition at line 3887 of file Image.cpp.

Referenced by main().

void Magick::Image::profile ( const std::string  name_,
const Blob colorProfile_ 

Definition at line 3902 of file Image.cpp.

References Magick::Blob::data(), and Magick::Blob::length().

Magick::Blob Magick::Image::profile ( const std::string  name_) const

Definition at line 3916 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::quality ( const size_t  quality_)

Definition at line 1311 of file Image.cpp.

Referenced by Magick::qualityImage::operator()().

size_t Magick::Image::quality ( void  ) const

Definition at line 1318 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::quantize ( const bool  measureError_ = false)

Definition at line 3929 of file Image.cpp.

Referenced by main(), and Magick::quantizeImage::operator()().

void Magick::Image::quantizeColors ( const size_t  colors_)

Definition at line 1323 of file Image.cpp.

Referenced by main(), and Magick::quantizeColorsImage::operator()().

size_t Magick::Image::quantizeColors ( void  ) const

Definition at line 1329 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::quantizeColorSpace ( const ColorspaceType  colorSpace_)

Definition at line 1334 of file Image.cpp.

Referenced by main(), and Magick::quantizeColorSpaceImage::operator()().

Magick::ColorspaceType Magick::Image::quantizeColorSpace ( void  ) const

Definition at line 1341 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::quantizeDither ( const bool  ditherFlag_)

Definition at line 1346 of file Image.cpp.

Referenced by main(), and Magick::quantizeDitherImage::operator()().

bool Magick::Image::quantizeDither ( void  ) const

Definition at line 1352 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::quantizeDitherMethod ( const DitherMethod  ditherMethod_)

Definition at line 1357 of file Image.cpp.

MagickCore::DitherMethod Magick::Image::quantizeDitherMethod ( void  ) const

Definition at line 1363 of file Image.cpp.

MagickCore::QuantizeInfo * Magick::Image::quantizeInfo ( void  )

Definition at line 5053 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::quantizeTreeDepth ( const size_t  treeDepth_)

Definition at line 1368 of file Image.cpp.

Referenced by Magick::quantizeTreeDepthImage::operator()().

size_t Magick::Image::quantizeTreeDepth ( void  ) const

Definition at line 1374 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::quantumOperator ( const ChannelType  channel_,
const MagickEvaluateOperator  operator_,
double  rvalue_ 

Definition at line 3943 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, and ThrowImageException.

Referenced by main().

void Magick::Image::quantumOperator ( const ChannelType  channel_,
const MagickFunction  function_,
const size_t  number_parameters_,
const double *  parameters_ 

Definition at line 3951 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, and ThrowImageException.

void Magick::Image::quantumOperator ( const ::ssize_t  x_,
const ::ssize_t  y_,
const size_t  columns_,
const size_t  rows_,
const ChannelType  channel_,
const MagickEvaluateOperator  operator_,
const double  rvalue_ 
bool Magick::Image::quiet ( void  ) const

Definition at line 1385 of file Image.cpp.

Referenced by Image().

void Magick::Image::raise ( const Geometry geometry_ = raiseGeometryDefault,
const bool  raisedFlag_ = false 

Definition at line 3984 of file Image.cpp.

Referenced by main(), and Magick::raiseImage::operator()().

void Magick::Image::randomThreshold ( const Geometry thresholds_)

Definition at line 3996 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, and ThrowImageException.

Referenced by main().

void Magick::Image::randomThresholdChannel ( const Geometry thresholds_,
const ChannelType  channel_ 

Definition at line 4005 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, and ThrowImageException.

Referenced by main().

void Magick::Image::read ( const Blob blob_)

Definition at line 4015 of file Image.cpp.

References Magick::Blob::data(), GetPPException, Magick::Image, and Magick::Blob::length().

Referenced by Image(), and main().

void Magick::Image::read ( const Blob blob_,
const Geometry size_ 

Definition at line 4026 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::read ( const Blob blob_,
const Geometry size_,
const size_t  depth_ 

Definition at line 4032 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::read ( const Blob blob_,
const Geometry size_,
const size_t  depth_,
const std::string &  magick_ 

Definition at line 4040 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::read ( const Blob blob_,
const Geometry size_,
const std::string &  magick_ 

Definition at line 4050 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::read ( const Geometry size_,
const std::string &  imageSpec_ 

Definition at line 4059 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::read ( const size_t  width_,
const size_t  height_,
const std::string &  map_,
const StorageType  type_,
const void *  pixels_ 
void Magick::Image::read ( const std::string &  imageSpec_)

Definition at line 4080 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, and Magick::Image.

void Magick::Image::readPixels ( const QuantumType  quantum_,
const unsigned char *  source_ 

Definition at line 4092 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, and ThrowImageException.

void Magick::Image::reduceNoise ( void  )

Definition at line 1635 of file Image.h.

Referenced by main(), and Magick::reduceNoiseImage::operator()().

void Magick::Image::reduceNoise ( const double  order_)

Definition at line 4106 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, Magick::Image, and ThrowImageException.

void Magick::Image::renderingIntent ( const RenderingIntent  renderingIntent_)

Definition at line 1390 of file Image.cpp.

Referenced by Magick::renderingIntentImage::operator()().

Magick::RenderingIntent Magick::Image::renderingIntent ( void  ) const

Definition at line 1397 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::repage ( )

Definition at line 4118 of file Image.cpp.

References Magick::Geometry.

void Magick::Image::resample ( const Geometry geometry_)

Definition at line 4128 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, Magick::Image, and ThrowImageException.

void Magick::Image::resize ( const Geometry geometry_)

Definition at line 4151 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, Magick::Image, and ThrowImageException.

Referenced by Magick::resizeImage::operator()().

void Magick::Image::resolutionUnits ( const ResolutionType  resolutionUnits_)

Definition at line 1403 of file Image.cpp.

Referenced by Magick::resolutionUnitsImage::operator()().

Magick::ResolutionType Magick::Image::resolutionUnits ( void  ) const

Definition at line 1411 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::roll ( const size_t  columns_,
const size_t  rows_ 

Definition at line 4194 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, Magick::Image, and ThrowImageException.

void Magick::Image::rotate ( const double  degrees_)

Definition at line 4206 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, Magick::Image, and ThrowImageException.

Referenced by main(), and Magick::rotateImage::operator()().

void Magick::Image::rotationalBlur ( const double  angle_)

Definition at line 4217 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, Magick::Image, and ThrowImageException.

void Magick::Image::rotationalBlurChannel ( const ChannelType  channel_,
const double  angle_ 

Definition at line 4228 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, Magick::Image, and ThrowImageException.

size_t Magick::Image::rows ( void  ) const
void Magick::Image::sample ( const Geometry geometry_)

Definition at line 4241 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, Magick::Image, and ThrowImageException.

Referenced by main(), and Magick::sampleImage::operator()().

void Magick::Image::scale ( const Geometry geometry_)

Definition at line 4263 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, Magick::Image, and ThrowImageException.

Referenced by main(), and Magick::scaleImage::operator()().

void Magick::Image::scene ( const size_t  scene_)

Definition at line 1416 of file Image.cpp.

Referenced by Magick::sceneImage::operator()().

size_t Magick::Image::scene ( void  ) const

Definition at line 1422 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::segment ( const double  clusterThreshold_ = 1.0,
const double  smoothingThreshold_ = 1.5 

Definition at line 4285 of file Image.cpp.

Referenced by main(), and Magick::segmentImage::operator()().

void Magick::Image::selectiveBlur ( const double  radius_,
const double  sigma_,
const double  threshold_ 

Definition at line 4297 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, Magick::Image, and ThrowImageException.

void Magick::Image::selectiveBlurChannel ( const ChannelType  channel_,
const double  radius_,
const double  sigma_,
const double  threshold_ 

Definition at line 4310 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, Magick::Image, and ThrowImageException.

Magick::Image Magick::Image::separate ( const ChannelType  channel_) const

Definition at line 4323 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, Magick::Image, and ThrowImageException.

void Magick::Image::sepiaTone ( const double  threshold_)

Definition at line 4337 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, Magick::Image, and ThrowImageException.

Magick::PixelPacket * Magick::Image::setPixels ( const ::ssize_t  x_,
const ::ssize_t  y_,
const size_t  columns_,
const size_t  rows_ 

Definition at line 4348 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, and ThrowImageException.

void Magick::Image::shade ( const double  azimuth_ = 30,
const double  elevation_ = 30,
const bool  colorShading_ = false 

Definition at line 4361 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, Magick::Image, and ThrowImageException.

Referenced by main(), and Magick::shadeImage::operator()().

void Magick::Image::shadow ( const double  percent_opacity_ = 80.0,
const double  sigma_ = 0.5,
const ssize_t  x_ = 5,
const ssize_t  y_ = 5 

Definition at line 4374 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, Magick::Image, and ThrowImageException.

Referenced by Magick::shadowImage::operator()().

void Magick::Image::sharpen ( const double  radius_ = 0.0,
const double  sigma_ = 1.0 

Definition at line 4386 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, Magick::Image, and ThrowImageException.

Referenced by main(), and Magick::sharpenImage::operator()().

void Magick::Image::sharpenChannel ( const ChannelType  channel_,
const double  radius_ = 0.0,
const double  sigma_ = 1.0 

Definition at line 4397 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, Magick::Image, and ThrowImageException.

void Magick::Image::shave ( const Geometry geometry_)

Definition at line 4410 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, Magick::Image, and ThrowImageException.

Referenced by main(), and Magick::shaveImage::operator()().

void Magick::Image::shear ( const double  xShearAngle_,
const double  yShearAngle_ 

Definition at line 4424 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, Magick::Image, and ThrowImageException.

Referenced by main(), and Magick::shearImage::operator()().

void Magick::Image::sigmoidalContrast ( const size_t  sharpen_,
const double  contrast,
const double  midpoint = QuantumRange/2.0 

Definition at line 4435 of file Image.cpp.

std::string Magick::Image::signature ( const bool  force_ = false) const

Definition at line 4444 of file Image.cpp.

Referenced by Magick::operator==().

void Magick::Image::size ( const Geometry geometry_)

Definition at line 1427 of file Image.cpp.

References Magick::Geometry::height(), and Magick::Geometry::width().

Referenced by main(), and Magick::sizeImage::operator()().

Magick::Geometry Magick::Image::size ( void  ) const

Definition at line 1435 of file Image.cpp.

Referenced by Image().

void Magick::Image::sketch ( const double  radius_ = 0.0,
const double  sigma_ = 1.0,
const double  angle_ = 0.0 

Definition at line 4461 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, Magick::Image, and ThrowImageException.

void Magick::Image::solarize ( const double  factor_ = 50.0)

Definition at line 4473 of file Image.cpp.

Referenced by main(), and Magick::solarizeImage::operator()().

void Magick::Image::sparseColor ( const ChannelType  channel,
const SparseColorMethod  method,
const size_t  number_arguments,
const double *  arguments 

Definition at line 4480 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, Magick::Image, and ThrowImageException.

void Magick::Image::splice ( const Geometry geometry_)

Definition at line 4494 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, Magick::Image, and ThrowImageException.

Referenced by Magick::spliceImage::operator()().

void Magick::Image::splice ( const Geometry geometry_,
const Color backgroundColor_ 

Definition at line 4508 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::splice ( const Geometry geometry_,
const Color backgroundColor_,
const GravityType  gravity_ 

Definition at line 4515 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::spread ( const size_t  amount_ = 3)

Definition at line 4523 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, Magick::Image, and ThrowImageException.

Referenced by main(), and Magick::spreadImage::operator()().

void Magick::Image::stegano ( const Image watermark_)

Definition at line 4578 of file Image.cpp.

References constImage(), GetPPException, Magick::Image, and ThrowImageException.

Referenced by Magick::steganoImage::operator()().

void Magick::Image::stereo ( const Image rightImage_)

Definition at line 4589 of file Image.cpp.

References constImage(), GetPPException, Magick::Image, and ThrowImageException.

Referenced by Magick::stereoImage::operator()().

void Magick::Image::strip ( void  )

Definition at line 4600 of file Image.cpp.

Referenced by Magick::stripImage::operator()().

void Magick::Image::strokeAntiAlias ( const bool  flag_)

Definition at line 1440 of file Image.cpp.

bool Magick::Image::strokeAntiAlias ( void  ) const

Definition at line 1446 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::strokeColor ( const Color strokeColor_)

Definition at line 1451 of file Image.cpp.

Referenced by main(), and Magick::strokeColorImage::operator()().

Magick::Color Magick::Image::strokeColor ( void  ) const

Definition at line 1462 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::strokeDashArray ( const double *  strokeDashArray_)

Definition at line 1467 of file Image.cpp.

const double * Magick::Image::strokeDashArray ( void  ) const

Definition at line 1473 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::strokeDashOffset ( const double  strokeDashOffset_)

Definition at line 1478 of file Image.cpp.

double Magick::Image::strokeDashOffset ( void  ) const

Definition at line 1484 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::strokeLineCap ( const LineCap  lineCap_)

Definition at line 1489 of file Image.cpp.

Magick::LineCap Magick::Image::strokeLineCap ( void  ) const

Definition at line 1495 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::strokeLineJoin ( const LineJoin  lineJoin_)

Definition at line 1500 of file Image.cpp.

Magick::LineJoin Magick::Image::strokeLineJoin ( void  ) const

Definition at line 1506 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::strokeMiterLimit ( const size_t  miterLimit_)

Definition at line 1511 of file Image.cpp.

size_t Magick::Image::strokeMiterLimit ( void  ) const

Definition at line 1517 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::strokePattern ( const Image strokePattern_)

Definition at line 1522 of file Image.cpp.

References constImage(), and isValid().

Referenced by strokePattern().

Magick::Image Magick::Image::strokePattern ( void  ) const
void Magick::Image::strokeWidth ( const double  strokeWidth_)

Definition at line 1554 of file Image.cpp.

Referenced by main().

double Magick::Image::strokeWidth ( void  ) const

Definition at line 1565 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::subImage ( const size_t  subImage_)

Definition at line 1570 of file Image.cpp.

Referenced by Magick::subImageImage::operator()().

size_t Magick::Image::subImage ( void  ) const

Definition at line 1576 of file Image.cpp.

Magick::Image Magick::Image::subImageSearch ( const Image reference_,
const MetricType  metric_,
Geometry offset_,
double *  similarityMetric_,
const double  similarityThreshold = (-1.0) 

Definition at line 4607 of file Image.cpp.

References constImage(), GetPPException, Magick::Image, and ThrowImageException.

void Magick::Image::subRange ( const size_t  subRange_)

Definition at line 1581 of file Image.cpp.

Referenced by Magick::subRangeImage::operator()().

size_t Magick::Image::subRange ( void  ) const

Definition at line 1587 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::swirl ( const double  degrees_)

Definition at line 4636 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, Magick::Image, and ThrowImageException.

Referenced by main(), and Magick::swirlImage::operator()().

void Magick::Image::syncPixels ( void  )

Definition at line 4647 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, and ThrowImageException.

void Magick::Image::textDirection ( DirectionType  direction_)

Definition at line 1592 of file Image.cpp.

Magick::DirectionType Magick::Image::textDirection ( void  ) const

Definition at line 1598 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::textEncoding ( const std::string &  encoding_)

Definition at line 1603 of file Image.cpp.

std::string Magick::Image::textEncoding ( void  ) const

Definition at line 1609 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::textGravity ( GravityType  gravity_)

Definition at line 1614 of file Image.cpp.

Magick::GravityType Magick::Image::textGravity ( void  ) const

Definition at line 1620 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::textInterlineSpacing ( double  spacing_)

Definition at line 1625 of file Image.cpp.

double Magick::Image::textInterlineSpacing ( void  ) const

Definition at line 1631 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::textInterwordSpacing ( double  spacing_)

Definition at line 1636 of file Image.cpp.

double Magick::Image::textInterwordSpacing ( void  ) const

Definition at line 1642 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::textKerning ( double  kerning_)

Definition at line 1647 of file Image.cpp.

double Magick::Image::textKerning ( void  ) const

Definition at line 1653 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::textUnderColor ( const Color underColor_)

Definition at line 1658 of file Image.cpp.

Magick::Color Magick::Image::textUnderColor ( void  ) const

Definition at line 1664 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::texture ( const Image texture_)

Definition at line 4654 of file Image.cpp.

References constImage().

Referenced by main(), and Magick::textureImage::operator()().

void Magick::Image::threshold ( const double  threshold_)

Definition at line 4661 of file Image.cpp.

Referenced by main(), and Magick::thresholdImage::operator()().

void Magick::Image::throwImageException ( void  ) const

Definition at line 5106 of file Image.cpp.

References Magick::throwException().

void Magick::Image::thumbnail ( const Geometry geometry_)

Definition at line 4668 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, Magick::Image, and ThrowImageException.

void Magick::Image::tileName ( const std::string &  tileName_)

Definition at line 1669 of file Image.cpp.

Referenced by Magick::tileNameImage::operator()().

std::string Magick::Image::tileName ( void  ) const

Definition at line 1675 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::tint ( const std::string  opacity_)

Definition at line 4690 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, Magick::Image, and ThrowImageException.

size_t Magick::Image::totalColors ( void  ) const

Definition at line 1680 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, and ThrowImageException.

void Magick::Image::transform ( const Geometry imageGeometry_)

Definition at line 4702 of file Image.cpp.

Referenced by Magick::transformImage::operator()().

void Magick::Image::transform ( const Geometry imageGeometry_,
const Geometry cropGeometry_ 

Definition at line 4709 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::transformOrigin ( const double  x_,
const double  y_ 

Definition at line 4718 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::transformReset ( void  )

Definition at line 4724 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::transformRotation ( const double  angle_)

Definition at line 1691 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::transformScale ( const double  sx_,
const double  sy_ 

Definition at line 4730 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::transformSkewX ( const double  skewx_)

Definition at line 1697 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::transformSkewY ( const double  skewy_)

Definition at line 1703 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::transparent ( const Color color_)
void Magick::Image::transparentChroma ( const Color colorLow_,
const Color colorHigh_ 

Definition at line 4756 of file Image.cpp.

References Magick::Color::isValid(), and Magick::throwExceptionExplicit().

void Magick::Image::transpose ( void  )

Definition at line 4781 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, Magick::Image, and ThrowImageException.

void Magick::Image::transverse ( void  )

Definition at line 4792 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, Magick::Image, and ThrowImageException.

void Magick::Image::trim ( void  )

Definition at line 4803 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, Magick::Image, and ThrowImageException.

Referenced by Magick::trimImage::operator()().

void Magick::Image::type ( const ImageType  type_)

Definition at line 1709 of file Image.cpp.

Referenced by Magick::typeImage::operator()().

Magick::ImageType Magick::Image::type ( void  ) const

Definition at line 1716 of file Image.cpp.

Magick::Image Magick::Image::uniqueColors ( void  ) const

Definition at line 4814 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, Magick::Image, and ThrowImageException.

void Magick::Image::unsharpmask ( const double  radius_,
const double  sigma_,
const double  amount_,
const double  threshold_ 

Definition at line 4828 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, Magick::Image, and ThrowImageException.

Referenced by main().

void Magick::Image::unsharpmaskChannel ( const ChannelType  channel_,
const double  radius_,
const double  sigma_,
const double  amount_,
const double  threshold_ 

Definition at line 4841 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, Magick::Image, and ThrowImageException.

void Magick::Image::verbose ( const bool  verboseFlag_)

Definition at line 1726 of file Image.cpp.

Referenced by Magick::verboseImage::operator()().

bool Magick::Image::verbose ( void  ) const

Definition at line 1732 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::view ( const std::string &  view_)

Definition at line 1737 of file Image.cpp.

Referenced by Magick::viewImage::operator()().

std::string Magick::Image::view ( void  ) const

Definition at line 1743 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::vignette ( const double  radius_ = 0.0,
const double  sigma_ = 1.0,
const ssize_t  x_ = 0,
const ssize_t  y_ = 0 

Definition at line 4855 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, Magick::Image, and ThrowImageException.

void Magick::Image::virtualPixelMethod ( const VirtualPixelMethod  virtual_pixel_method_)

Definition at line 1748 of file Image.cpp.

Magick::VirtualPixelMethod Magick::Image::virtualPixelMethod ( void  ) const

Definition at line 1756 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::wave ( const double  amplitude_ = 25.0,
const double  wavelength_ = 150.0 

Definition at line 4867 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, Magick::Image, and ThrowImageException.

Referenced by main(), and Magick::waveImage::operator()().

void Magick::Image::waveletDenoise ( const double  threshold_,
const double  softness_ 

Definition at line 4878 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, Magick::Image, and ThrowImageException.

void Magick::Image::whiteThreshold ( const std::string &  threshold_)

Definition at line 4891 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::whiteThresholdChannel ( const ChannelType  channel_,
const std::string &  threshold_ 

Definition at line 4898 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, and ThrowImageException.

void Magick::Image::write ( Blob blob_)
void Magick::Image::write ( Blob blob_,
const std::string &  magick_ 
void Magick::Image::write ( Blob blob_,
const std::string &  magick_,
const size_t  depth_ 
void Magick::Image::write ( const ::ssize_t  x_,
const ::ssize_t  y_,
const size_t  columns_,
const size_t  rows_,
const std::string &  map_,
const StorageType  type_,
void *  pixels_ 
void Magick::Image::write ( const std::string &  imageSpec_)

Definition at line 4973 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::writePixels ( const QuantumType  quantum_,
unsigned char *  destination_ 

Definition at line 4981 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, and ThrowImageException.

void Magick::Image::x11Display ( const std::string &  display_)

Definition at line 1761 of file Image.cpp.

Referenced by Magick::x11DisplayImage::operator()().

std::string Magick::Image::x11Display ( void  ) const

Definition at line 1767 of file Image.cpp.

double Magick::Image::xResolution ( void  ) const

Definition at line 1772 of file Image.cpp.

double Magick::Image::yResolution ( void  ) const

Definition at line 1777 of file Image.cpp.

void Magick::Image::zoom ( const Geometry geometry_)

Definition at line 4995 of file Image.cpp.

References GetPPException, Magick::Image, and ThrowImageException.

Referenced by main(), and Magick::zoomImage::operator()().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: